Man going to prison for new sex offenses

A man who was already serving a sentence of probation for a sexual battery charge from last year will be heading to prison, after he was sentenced for a new crime on Monday. Eli Timothy Sherman, 28, of Provo, has received a sentence of at least one and up to 15 years in prison for enticing a minor, a second-degree felony. He pleaded guilty to the charge in September, and an identical charge was dismissed as part of his plea agreement.

Sherman was charged in June after police claim he attempted to arrange to have sex with a 13-year-old girl, who turned out to actually be an undercover officer from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. The agent who Sherman had been corresponding with had first been alerted to him through a post he had made on Craigslist. The two communicated back and forth until Sherman expressed a desire to have sex with her and planned to meet up. Upon arriving at the location in West Valley City he was apprehended by task force agents and taken into custody.

Sherman had already been serving out a sentence of two years probation after he pleaded guilty in September of last year to two counts of sexual battery, a class A misdemeanor. 

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